Thursday, December 13, 2007
Scattergories Game
city: HAWLEY
boy name:HENRY
girl name: HANNAH
alcoholic drink: HAIRY ARMPIT (I know but I looked it up on the Internet, it's real)
occupation: HOUSEKEEPER
something you wear: HOT PANTS
celebrity: HELEN HUNT
reason for being late: HAVING A BABY
cartoon character: HOMER SIMPSON
something you shout: HELL NO
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I think I amost died last night...
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Maybe my stomach will get flatter
4 (the highest level):
Lamb I'm so disappointed we eat Lamb at least 2 times a weeks (NOT)
Mushrooms fine, I hate them anyway
Broccoli OK I really like broccoli
Rye, no dark brown bread for me
Turkey Meat
Brazil nut
English Walnut
So, I'm supposed to not eat these foods for a month. Chocolate. Coffee. Cinnamon. I'm totally mourning Starbucks right now. No Cinnamon Dolce Latte. So, my request is that if you're going to be with me over the Holidays, make me something for dessert I can actually eat.
I am totally going to become one of "those people" that are all "So, what kind of nuts are in this cake?" "Are those mushrooms" "Is that cinnamon sprinkled on those cookies?" and "did lamb touch that chicken?"
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
That I walk into the girls' bathroom by my gym this morning and there were two turds on the bathroom floor. One was in one stall and one was in the other, flat, because it had been stepped on.
That I tooted tonight and Meredith thought it was the dogs whining.
That I will be an aunt in less than a month (Meredith hopes).
Friday, November 30, 2007
Feliz Cumpleanos Mimi!
Here are some Random Thoughts:
How do you post a movie on your blog? Really, I want to know.
Do you ever think about who reads your blog but never comments, so do I! If you are a lurker, show yourself! I might feel stupid if I asked that and absolutely no one else reads this blog :)
I'm having a hard time deciding what to get Bowen for Christmas, what DO two year-olds want? Please no toys with small parts, Please no toys with small parts.
I never cook on Fridays, I'm cooking tonight.
Jonathan is cleaning out my car as I type, I KNEW I married him for a good reason.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I'm dreaming of a white Turkey Day!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Laine the Mom
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Pepe la Pew
Laine: There was a skunk in our school today, he was sick. He made the whole school stink.
Us: Oh, really. Gross.
Laine: Yeah it was gross, Ms. Jones killed it and then it made my whole room smell bad.
Us: Ewwww...
Laine: Yeah it smelled like Popcorn and Old Man.
Us: ????, then hysterical laughter ensued.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Mud Run 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Steps to getting a 5 year old to pee in a cup
2. Go to the bathroom.
3. Get 5 year old on the potty with her pants down really low.
4. Pull pants and underwear down even lower so you can stick the cup and your hand in the potty.
5. remember the nurse told you to wipe her with a wipe before peeing.
6. Wipe her and then get wipe stuck between her legs somehow.
7. Take cup out from between her legs to remove wipe.
8. Wipe falls out on it's own.
9. Decide to try putting the cup under her bottom from the back sounds better.
10. Nope
11. Squat down and reinsert cup under child's bottom hoping you have it positioned correctly.
12. Tell daughter not to pee on your hand.
13. Say " OK tee tee."
14. Wait 15 or 20 minutes. Try inserting various phrases like: Come on, tee tee. PLEASE tee tee. OK concentrate. Stop talking and tee tee. Stop singing and tee tee. Push on your tummy a little.
15. Walk out of bathroom.
16. Go find nurse and shrug.
17. Get 5 year old to drink copious amounts of Gatorade provided by nurse and have her jump up and down.
18. Go back to bathroom at child's request.
19. redo steps 3-5
20. Kid pees on your hand.
21 Get a little in the cup.
22. Done.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Jumping off the Deep End
We have been a part of a wonderful Small Group at church for years and we have loved it. For the past few months we have been in a church funk, me especially. I have, in fact, not cared to go to church, class, or even small group and that's not like me. I really just wanted to leave our church altoghter, and you might ask why and really couldn't tell you many specific reasons. I just felt unhappy. After some prayer and lots of discussion between Jonathan and me we decided maybe we needed to get into a Bible Study. You see, our Small Group committed to be in charge of Bible Hour, a class for small children so that their parents can enjoy Small Group time without the distraction of children. It's a great service our church provides. When we committed I felt sad, but everyone else went along with it, so we did too. I knew I was going to miss prayer requests, fellowship and study with friends. But the more we thought and talked about it the more we realized we really needed to have time studying the Word with other people like us.
You know when I type it out it sounds so logical but if you know me you know I am very concerned about what people think of me. I don't want anyone to think bad of me or Jonathan or talk about us because of our choice. And it is JUST visiting, we aren't going to make any sort of commitment yet. Jonathan is a good balance he doesn't care at all about what others think he just wants what is best for our family.
I think what I am most concerned about is losing the friends we have made the past few years and ones we've made very recently. Every time our Small Group has split we've lost good friends, not because of hard feelings but just because we drifted apart, and it has always made me sad. I hope that doesn't happen if we decide to go to another group. I hope we haven't made a bad choice. Mostly I hope God will point the way.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sweetest Thing
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Random Thoughts for Sunday
2. I know, number 1 sounds bad, but if you knew her...just think 32 year old who still thinks she's a cheerleader and has kids who can do NO wrong, aaack.
3. Bowen is definitely 2.
4. He is also cute, it's a good thing.
5. Is it just me or are little girl clothes for this fall looking like a 12 year old should be wearing them?
6. I hope Halloween is cool or Bowen is going to internally combust in his Monkey costume.
7. I'm excited about Homecoming and baby festivities this weekend.
8. I'm reading Blue Like Jazz, it's really great, thanks Ryan for loaning it to me.
9. I called the police on Saturday morning because our neighbor's dog barked from 4:30-7:00. I'm going to call every time they bark for an extended period now.
10. Shauna, I still need to know what you use on your eyes that makes them so bright!
Friday, October 12, 2007
OK, I HEARD you already!
As soon as the Doctor looked in my ear he realized it was totally wax. So we were ushered into a room where they perform "procedures". He told me he was going to suction the wax out of my ear. The suctioner was about as thick as a big needle and he put a metal cone in my ear and sucked everything out. He showed me each time he got something out and told me exactly what it was. SO he got out some wax and some dead skin, and with my gross stuff is really cool mindset, it was really interesting. All I can say is that OTC stuff would have never gotten all the crap out of my ear. You know, the Doctor never said that I shouldn't have used the removal kit. I 'm guessing since he didn't say it was bad, that those things are OK.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Huh? What'd you say?
A few weeks ago we were in Abilene for a visit. We went to Chic-fil-a for lunch and as I was walking into the play area to get the kids I saw someone I recognized. The funny part is I had only seen her and her kids on her blog! I met Mary Beth in real life, it was so neat to see someone whose life I check up on periodically. She was so cute and so were her kids.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Monkey Boy
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Stay at home day...
2 waffles with syrup ( at least they were whole grain)
a strawberry frosted Pop Tart
diet coke
a Hebrew national hot dog at Costco
diet coke
Gheridelli chocolate squares filled with caramel
3 strawberries because I felt so gross about the other crap I ate
I mean really I've been doing really well eating healthy, so I don't feel SO bad about eating some junk but I seemed to cram a bunch into 1/2 of a day.
I've been pondering on some things lately one is Laine and Kindergarten. Last night after some hard thinking I decided we needed to have a thought in the back of our heads this year. That thought should be: Laine might need to do Kindergarten again. Yes, you read that right. And it's not because of intelligence it's that some of the kids in her grade are almost a year older than her. I can really see it this year. It's the emotional part, the maturity part and the fact that I want to raise a leader and not a follower. I want Laine to be her own self not try to be someone just because they are older (not that she would realize that but you know what I mean). And it's not so much now that I worry about it's middle school and high school. There will not be a decision made on this for a while, maybe April and I fully trust Laine's teacher this year and will listen to what she has to say too. Then I worry holding her back will wreck her self esteem? Will it? Or will it boost her to be the older one who already knows all the answers and knows how to behave. Last night I was talking to her pre-k teacher and although I can't remember her exact words I do know that I have an exceptional learner. Exceptional in intelligence and exceptional in her learning style. I do know for sure she is at the right school, her "Laine" ways could possibly be smooshed in a more traditional school. Whew. I'm not sure I meant for all that to come out at once. One thing I really wish is that I could be a fly on the wall in her class, I want to see who Laine is at school.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Events of the day,
First I do have an allergist appointment next Friday, it can't come soon enough.
Next, those extra warranties do pay off because I waltzed into Best Buy last nightand purchased a brand new ipod nano, the really new one that's square. It has twice the storage space for the same price I bought my first one for.
Yesterday I received an email that really lowered my morale for school. I'm going to be working everyday in a Kindergarten classroom to help with a special program for which we are the pilot school. I'm going to do the job with a smile but I heard it's really boring and that's what I'm dreading. Last year I was SO bored so this year I told my Administration I wanted to start a exercise mentoring program in the mornings. I guess that's down the drain, I'm really disappointed.
Today I received a call from the daycare director and I answered the phone "do I have a sick child?" TO which the response was, well not really. As it so happens Bowen was bitten ON THE LIP by a "friend". That's always what they put in reports to keep the child's privacy. I think it's kind of funny that a "friend" would bite your lip thought :) Anyway they had me callthe doctor and see what I should do since he bled a lot and it was by his mouth. The nurses first reaction was "WHAT bit him?" I told her a child and she asked what happened, so I told her. Anyway it seems human bites are worse to get than animal bites because of the germy mouth area. SO I have to watch for swelling, puss, redness and fever. Aaack...all I wanted to do was go hug him but that would have totally made it worse when I had to leave to go teach.
Ok the next thing I'm not so sure about. I feel like I pretty laid back with my children so when something makes me mad I feel like it's justified. when I went to pick Bowen up Laine stood by the door like she always does while I get his stuff together. I went to sign the incident report for the bite and Laine had opened the door to the room. All of a sudden the teacher was using very sharp, loud words with LaineI looked up to see what was going on and she continued to give Laine a hard time about the door and how it would get her (the teacher) in trouble if Laine was out in the hall alone with Bowen. I totally understand that rule, Laine and I talked about it and she won't be doing that again. I did however have a problem with the teacher's tone of voice and voice level. After it happened I just left without saying another word. I didn't want to address her then and have me sound ugly. I also wanted to stop in the director's office as I was walking out and tell her what happened, I didn't do that either. I don't like skipping in the chain of command. I think I'll talk to the other teachers in the room in the morning instead.
I'm excited for tonight I'm shopping and then working the cash registers at Just Between Friends, our local consignment extravaganza!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Ears 1 Heather 0
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Bowen the Barfer
On to other things, I think I'm falling apart. I have been sick since the beginning of August, I'm on my second round of antibiotics and my snot is still yellow. I'm not coughing as much but I still have monster drainage. My doctor took me off my allergy medicine for the duration of my antibiotics so my snot wouldn't be so sticky so now I have a runny nose and itchy throat. I went to the eye doctor today because I would have sworn I had another eye infection but alas, I have eye allergies. I mean lock me up in a bubble guys, I can't survive in a world with living, things like cats and dogs and trees. I'm going to see an ENT to talk about my constant stuffiness and then I'll probably have to see an allergist too. OK done with the health report, boring.
My friend Julie and I have decided to join a team at our church to do the Mud Run. It's 10K run that has obstacles in it, like mud, and water and ropes and all that crazy crap. I'm so competitive that I can't stand to think I might be the one that the others must wait on. I WILL NOT be that person. I'm going to have to get real tough real soon and so some fartleks and speed work, aaack. Oh ant get this, you have to run in BOOTS and PANTS. So if you see a girl running down the street in running shorts and 8 inch black boots, that would be me.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Nervous times 2
I LOVED the worship time. It was instrumental and I thought it might be overwhelming, but it made everything sound like I'd like God to hear it coming from my body.
Two services and plenty of thing for kids to do during the service.
Beautiful building.
Seems to have an awesome youth ministry.
From what I can tell, communion only once a month.
No Sunday night service or small groups (from what I could tell)
Just different:
Very casual service, no order of service in the bulletin.
It didn't seem like there was a specific invitation.
People stood or sat at will during singing, lots of hand lifting and waving.
I could Tell this was a church that is trying to reach those who a unchurched or lost. It seems they are doing a great job. The sermon was definitely Bible based and lots of time was spent in scripture. When any scripture was read everyone stood and read the verse together. I also liked that the preacher wanted us to read along with him in the Bible and the verses weren't just projected on the screens.
I'm glad I went, I'm just not sure if would be for me.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Oh back to school, back to school...
So hopefully it will work like this: Get up, go tee tee, brush teeth, get dressed and the time that is lef tcan be used to watch cartoons. Somewhere in there I need to fix her hair, maybe I can meet her in the bathroom and do it then. This is so important to me, I want to raise my children to be self-motivated not mom is finally really mad so I better do it motivated. I can't wait to see how it's going to work!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Happy Birthday to Meredith!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Back in the Saddle...
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I'm Finished!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Larry the Attack, Punk Ass, Butthole Camel
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Laine and Bowen weigh in
One of them will be right, and I think the winner gets to name the baby.
Laine name for Mere's baby: Ruby
Bowen's name for Mere's baby: Rabbit
I hope Laine wins.
What kind of hair: blonde and straight
What happens when you have a baby: go to the hospital, take the baby out of your tummy, and bottom ummmm. vagina.
What will Mere do with the baby: milk the baby, feed it baby food.
what will the baby act like: nice, suck it's thumb
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
2. Who was your first roommate?Tiffany Touchstone
3. What was your first alcoholic drink?Margarita but I don't remember how old I was
4. What was your first job?Sunfish, I was a lifeguard and swim teacher
5. What was your first car?1979 red Toyota pick up truck
6. Who was the first person that texted you yesterday?I really don't text that often!
7. Who is the first person you thought of this morning?Laine and Bowen, they are gone and I miss them!
8. Who was your first grade teacher?Mrs. Bench, you can guess what her nickname was!
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?I think to Colorado or maybe New Jersey, not sure!
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was with you?I never snuck out, I was too scared...wait a minute, what am I saying, I really just never wanted to!
11. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?Mark Doty, we're not friends but I still see him every once in a while. I LOVED him!
12. Where was your first sleep over?I have no idea, but Mark and I had a few sleepovers.
13. Who was the first person you talked to this morning?Jonathan
14. Whose wedding were you in the first time? I'm not sure if I was in one when I was little, Mom?
15. What is the first thing you do in the morning?take my medicine
16. What was the first concert you ever went to? Oak Ridge Boys
17. First tattoo or piercing?Piercing in the ears - 6, second hole at 12, first tattoo 30,
18. First foreign country you went to?Mexico
19. First crush? Mike Brekenridge
20. When was your first detention?6th grade English, I was talking
21. What was the first state you lived in?Texas
22. Who was your first kiss with?Josh, he turned out gay, how'd ya like that!
23. Who was the first person to break your heart? Drew
24. Do you still think about that person?Yes.
Here is what my house looks like...AHHHHHHH
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
My Morning Routine
Get in shower: wash hair, condition hair, wash body, then face. Shave my legs if needed. Get out.
Dry off, put towel on my head. Put lotion on my legs then moisturizer on my face. Rinse hands. Take towel off put styling products in. Blow-dry hair.
Rinse hands. Put on make-up in this order: foundation, blush, curl eyelashes, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, powder.
Put finishing product on my hair, brush my teeth, go get dressed.
Yes, I do get ready sans clothes! It's really hot in my bathroom, it doesn't have ventilation, so clothes go on after when I've cooled off. Unless it's winter, then I'm cold so I wear a terry robe while getting ready.
So, how do you get ready in the morning?
I promise to post some pictures soon!
Friday, June 15, 2007
My trip to the Mall
Friday, June 08, 2007
You too can have beautiful skin like me!
Monday, June 04, 2007
All by myself...
Monday, May 28, 2007
Guess what I did today?
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I was bored...
Better? Yes.
No make up:



Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Harry Potter Nerd
I had a great Mother's Day, we spent the weekend in Abilene and got to spend sometime with the cutest baby born after mine. It was fun to hang out with Robin and Koby and then Sunday with Linda and Granny and Grandad.
Only 7 more school days left! It doesn't seem real yet since the end of the year is always busiest for me with Field Day and all that. I'm showing "the movie" to the 4th graders tomorrow, I hope I survive the boys.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Somewhere in my house...
This morning I went to make my usual bowl of cereal and the skim milk wasn't there. So I went and asked Jonathan if he had finished it or seen it and he hadn't. So where is it? If I find it I promise to take a picture of it right where I find it. This should be interesting...or gross.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
When we started planning Bowen's party we decided to have it at my school. I asked my principal and he said that would be great. He is very cool about all that stuff, he's generous and helpful, I really like and respect him. He met us up at school at 8:30 Saturday morning and let us in. Well we had the party, cleaned up and left. I called him after we left to tell him we were done. Fast forward a couple of hours and I'm hearing my cell phone ring at Ikea. I answer and it's my principal. We left the door to the school open when we left. Oh. Shit. You know that panicky, hot, adrenaline feeling you get when you get a shock, that was me. I never once thought about the door. He kind of gave me a hard time in a half-joking, half-not way and I hung up. Let me tell you guys something, I cannot forgive myself for that. I mean, my personality is one that #1 wants to follow rules and #2 wants people to like and trust me. There is not one thing I can do to fix what we did, I want to make it better SO BAD. I've constructed many apology notes in my head but most of them sound like diarrhea of the mouth. I apologized, and that's all I can do and I hate that. Sorry to post a yuccky story but Blogger won't let me upload pictures of the party so I'll get to the fun stuff when it's fixed. Blech.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Happy Birthday Bowen!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Heather needs...
6. a childhood
5. 10000 pounds ($) a day
4. some body...guards
3. two therapists
2. Men...NOW
1. NEW BOOBS (oh how true)
I checked out #1 and it's a blog where you can donate money to a girl who wants a boob job...hmmmm.
If you want to play Google your first name and the word needs.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
My latest hobby...



Monday, April 16, 2007
New Compooter!
You see we're reconfiguring our house and the upstairs room is going to be a playroom (and you hear the angels sing HALLELUJAH) I'm so ready to have the toys all in one place. So we've moved the queen bed to Laine's room and we're putting a daybed upstairs with the toys. That means the desk and computer need to come down so the toys can go up. We have a TV in the kitchen and space would not allow for a TV and computer and desk. So our fancy new computer will now be a computer and TV, eeek!
While I was completing project Bed Move, I was wrestling with the bed frame and part of it totally cheated and hit me while I wasn't looking. Then later that night the kitchen cabinet whacked me a good one on my forehead. I felt like I was two! Today I still have two bumps n my head and they HURT!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Easter and a story




Yes, my child died, fell on Jonathan's lap all while making a blaaaaah sound. LGILC sort of stood there awkwardly and then turned tail and left and who could blame her? Oh Pre-K socialization.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I did turn 32 on Friday. You know, I knew I wouldn't be someone who just let age have it's way with me but I'm wondering how I'm supposed to prevent little dark veins from popping up on the backs of my knees. Not the bulgy ones the spidery ones (thanks mom). Maybe when I get a little color this summer they won't be so noticeable. Age has also brought with it thyroid issues, no way to prevent that and excess wait, that is brought on by all the fiber I'm eating because I'm all of a sudden deficient in the pooping everyday area. But enough of the old stuff, let's see for my Birthday I received a bike computer, a cool t-shirt, some earrings, and a shirt and shorts from the Gap. Mom and Dad took us to eat at P.F. Chang's. It was a good Birthday.
In other news:
Jonathan is going to stay at SCS another year. Wahoo!
Bowen will be 2 in exactly 1 month.
I'm still gaining weight.
Fatty Fatty 2 by 4.
We're turning upstairs into a playroom, building a deck, putting up a fence soon.
My eyes are red from using eye drops because they were red and now they're red from rebound redness. In essence my ojos got addicted to eye drops and they don't know how to be white without it. This is only my guess, if they don't get better soon I'm going to the doctor.
Monday, March 19, 2007
The DL on DW
I just typed an ENTIRE post and I pushed some unknown series of buttons and, *poof* it frickin' disappeared.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank You. The trip to Disney World was incredible. From the safari at Animal Kingdom to the Princess lunch in Norway all the way over to the Magic Kingdom our trip was filled with memories that will last a lifetime. I loved seeing the wonder in Laine and Bowen's eyes. I loved riding the fast pass rides and being able to walk past hundreds of people waiting in line. I even loved falling in bed at night exausted from having so much fun. My favorite thing of all was getting to experience it all with the people that matter the most. Thanks for the wonderful Christmas present.
OK that's all for tonight, the erasing was too much.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Lots and lots of stuff...and I like BIG butts and I cannot lie.

Or I could tell you a story about how my daughter stood in the middle of her classroom the other day with a book between her legs saying "hey everybody, look at my new weiner" while dancing around. Sorry I don't have a picture of that one.
I could talk about Bowen's severely swollen lips. We think it was from some bubbles he was blowing and putting in his mouth.

Also, Bowen had a PTA program and we heard from his teachers that he was a little scared being behind the curtain. His teachers' remedy for that was to let him ride in the bye-bye buggie with the Infant A class. When the buggie rolled up here is what we saw:
Yes, that's Bowen with other babies that don't even eat solid foods yet. They can barely hold up their pretty little heads and there's Bowen looking like he ate the baby whose seat he's in.
Finally, before I get to the real blog, I ran a half marathon. It totally rocked! It was hard and fun and I'm so glad I did the training.

Monday, February 12, 2007
Six weird things about me!
2. When I go outside to my backyard, I can't walk in the grass without shoes because I feel like all the dog poop from all the years has left germs in the grass for me to walk on.
3. I've read the last three Harry Potter books three times. And I'll read the 5th one again before the movie comes out and the 6th one again before the 7th book is released.
Hmmmm...I'm having a really hard time with this, I know I'm weird, maybe it's just in a general sense.
4. Sometimes if I'm by myself and I think about something embarrassing that happened to me or even to someone else, I blush.
5. I bought a tube of lipstick this weekend and it is the first lipstick I've owned in over three years.
6. I'm 31 years old and I still wear my retainer.
Anyone want to play?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Buck that Bucking Horse

I have just finished recovering from an incident that I believed would never happen to me.
I got bucked off a horse.
And that's not all, Laine was also bucked off with me but because of my willingness to sacrifice my body for my child she went unscathed.
Here's how it happened: We were asked to house/kid sit for a family that has children that attend Jonathan's school. They have a beautiful home and a horse barn. We went down to the barn to let Laine ride on the "tame" horse. I led her around for awhile and then decided to get on the horse with her. Everything was going great! We were having fun! Then I made a decision that I would regret about 12 seconds later. I said "Laine! Let's make the horse go faster!" So I gave him a kick and told him to giddy up. That made him trot, and I though this trotting sure is bumpy. That's when everthing started going in slow motion. I realized we were going to be removed from the horse so I started to do some damage control. I gripped the rope as hard as I could so we actually slid off the side instead of flying off. Then I somehow managed to get Laine above me and brace her on the way down. Finally we got to the point where we had to fall the rest of the way, needless to say I have a large bruise on the upper part of my right butt cheek. But the worst pain of all was the soreness of all the muscles that I used to hold on to the rope, oh my gosh, my neck and shoulder and arm hurt SO BAD. Well, we got Laine back on the horse to ride it to the barn. She was OK, and I think she'll ride a horse again.
Besides the horse incident, we had a great week at our dream home. I hope we get asked to do it again.