Tuesday, April 03, 2007


The title says it all. The Williams' family has just been boring lately. No weird or funny kid stories. No exciting school functions. Just plain old life at it's best.

I did turn 32 on Friday. You know, I knew I wouldn't be someone who just let age have it's way with me but I'm wondering how I'm supposed to prevent little dark veins from popping up on the backs of my knees. Not the bulgy ones the spidery ones (thanks mom). Maybe when I get a little color this summer they won't be so noticeable. Age has also brought with it thyroid issues, no way to prevent that and excess gas...no wait, that is brought on by all the fiber I'm eating because I'm all of a sudden deficient in the pooping everyday area. But enough of the old stuff, let's see for my Birthday I received a bike computer, a cool t-shirt, some earrings, and a shirt and shorts from the Gap. Mom and Dad took us to eat at P.F. Chang's. It was a good Birthday.

In other news:

Jonathan is going to stay at SCS another year. Wahoo!

Bowen will be 2 in exactly 1 month.

I'm still gaining weight.

Fatty Fatty 2 by 4.

We're turning upstairs into a playroom, building a deck, putting up a fence soon.

My eyes are red from using eye drops because they were red and now they're red from rebound redness. In essence my ojos got addicted to eye drops and they don't know how to be white without it. This is only my guess, if they don't get better soon I'm going to the doctor.


Shauna said...

You are never boring - what is boring is when I get on your blog every day and there is nothing there!!! :) JK! Love you!

Shauna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You removed a comment? What's up with that? I'm missing you all a lot. We need a visit.

29again said...

the same thing happened to me with the eyedrops.
Force yourself to quit using them for a couple of weeks and they will get better.