Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Heather needs...

I'll do this is countdown style:

6. a childhood
5. 10000 pounds ($) a day
4. some body...guards
3. two therapists
2. Men...NOW
1. NEW BOOBS (oh how true)

I checked out #1 and it's a blog where you can donate money to a girl who wants a boob job...hmmmm.

If you want to play Google your first name and the word needs.


Anonymous said...

6. help
5. macerating toilets (my personal favorite)
4. boing boing reader
3. wine travels
2. news
1. a date

Anonymous said...

Linda needs:

6. to reconsider
5. to be bright
4. a job!! (it really said that)
3. a new best friend
2. mental help
1. to be part of a committed marriage

The things we do for entertainment scare me!

Anonymous said...

I'm sick and tired of the bad bloggers in my family. Updates please!