Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Down in the dumps.

I want to give a disclaimer that I do realize how blessed I am, sometimes a girl just needs to get it all out.

Here are the reasons I'm feeling down, probably all lame.

I was really wanting to get my hair done and my girl couldn't me in until next Thursday.

I'm tired of work, you know all the responsibility stuff and the getting up early.

When I took over out finances, I cut out almost all extra spending (except for hair coloring). I'm tired of that. But I'm not tired of accidentally over drafting our account. I want to go buy my kids an Easter outfit, I want an Easter outfit. Blah.

Gas, no, not that kind, the kind you put in your car. I'm trying for a budget, how can you budget gas these days?! I can't NOT drive to work a couple of days a week, we can't NOT go visit our families. I can't believe that we're a family (and not even CLOSE to the only one) who's budget is getting broken by the price of gas, it grosses me out.

I had a horrible crick in my neck yesterday, it still hurts today but at least I can turn my neck.

I'm feeling really good about going to A town this weekend, there's nothing that makes you feel better than to get taken care of by your family.


Anonymous said...

I'd try to cheer you up but I suspect anything I'd do would be lame. Tomorrow will be a better day! xxooxx

robin said...

I completely understand the school part! I am so sick of it. We all have those days, weeks, and months. you have a great family (uummm, including me!) ....and jobs are a dime a dozen!

The finances WILL get better! That's why you're budgeting so much so they will be better even sooner!

Jenny Chapman said...

I SOOOOOOO hear you! I'm so happy we have found each other in the world of blog! You are precious!

Shauna said...

OH heather...I understand too! I hope you get to feeling better. I got my hair done yesterday so I am feeling SOOOOO much better.