Thursday, March 02, 2006

Thursday's Random Thoughts:

I love sweet tea from Chicken Express.

Laine finally earned a sticker in her folder today after two days of playing during naptime.

I think I want to try Mystic Tan this summer and forget trying to bake in the sun.

I've worn my feelings on my shoulder this week, that's not normal.

Cinnamon Dolce Latte is the best drink at Starbucks.

If it was good for me I would drink Diet Coke all day.

There was some major Police activity at Albertson's today.

I think I'm ready for Spring.

Laine thinks Robin is having a girl.


robin said...

Tan a little and then do the mystic tan on top. If it messes up a little then you can't tell as much! See you in a little while!

Anonymous said...

Isn't the mystic tan expensive? I've cut way back on my tanning but if I had my choice I'd tan 5 times a week. Don't ya just love the smell of burned flesh???

Anonymous said...

I keep preaching to you girls about tanning and no one listens! I've watched a good friend die of's not good to be in the sun!!!! Mystic tan is cheaper than having things taken off your body.
Have I said enough yet?????