Friday, January 13, 2006


This is the THIRD TIME I've started this post. The other two the laptop froze up just as I was finishing, hence the title, it's what I said when it happened.

I'm at home today with the kids, Bowen is still puny. He hasn't thrown up since last night but he's so pitiful, all he wants to do is nurse, be held, and then sleep. I enjoy being at home with my children, even more now that I have two of them. I don't know if I could hack being a stay at home mom, which is good because we really couldn't afford it right now. I would LOVE to work part time, it would be the best of both worlds.

I had someone tell me today that her daughter just found out she's pregnant, I think she is 19. You know we hear so much about teaching kids abstinence, which I agree is the best choice, but when are people going to realize IT'S NOT WORKING. Our young people and their parents need to realize that sex is happening and TALK ABOUT IT. I want Laine and Bowen to choose abstinence until marriage but I hope that if they make the decision to have sex that I have taught them to protect themselves. I mean I might be reaching for the stars here but I would also hope that they could come talk to Jonathan or I about that decision so we could help them work it out. Actually what I really hope is that we raise them in such a way that abstinence will be their choice because it's what GOD wants, I wants them to have hearts that seek Him and His word.

Speaking of all this sex, I found out that a certain someone who is really cool is pregnant! Yipee! She emailed me this week and told me she was feeling a bit tired and she hopes is goes away soon. Hmm hmm...(read clearing throat sound). I'm sorry to tell her that not only will it not go away but it will get SO. MUCH. WORSE. Fatigue was hands down the yuckiest part of pregnancy to me ( I didn't throw up, that would have won had I barfed my toenails up each morning). And thy tiredness shall grow and thy shalt be tired every second of the day and thou wilt think that the tiredness will never end. The good news is it does, mine got better by sixteen weeks or so and you feel like a human being again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it bad when you could take a nap an hour after you get up!
It is almost like I an not even human I am so out of it some days! It is becoming part of the routine to take an hour or so nap and be in bed by nine! I'm sure that my husband is wondering how something so small is kicking his wifes butt!