Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Aaack! What a DAY!

Ever since Bowen started having trouble with his tonsils, he has also had trouble sleeping. You saw the evidence in the pictures of him sleeping behind the chair in our room. The last three nights have been the same, except worse because it's been two times a night instead of one. Well, this morning Jonathan found Bowen standing in the hall about 5, we don't know if he had been up for 5 minutes or 3 hours because he sneaks now that he knows we want him to stay in his bed. Tonight we are experimenting with a gate at his bedroom door, I'll let you know how that whole thing works out.

Fast forward to 6:30, time to get up and get dressed. Jonathan dresses Bowen, he sleeps until it's time to go. I bring him into the living room he lays down on the ground and closes his eyes. He sleeps all the way to school, I put him down in his classroom and he just crumples on the ground. We get his cot out and he lays down. I tell his teachers to take his temperature and call me at school. I had to get to school to drop Laine off and today is TAKS so if I was going to leave I really needed to let someone know quickly. Bowen's school calls and says he is still just laying there, no temp, in fact it's low 96.2. I get Jonathan to go pick him up so I can test and I make a Doctor appointment for him. By the time I picked him up at Jonathan's school he's perked up a little. It was SO weird the way he was acting, we have no idea why except maybe he really had been awake for a long time. He does have a sinus infection, a yeasty diaper rash, the end of 5th's disease and allergies that are causing eczema. Wow.

On a happier note Laine is the Citizen of the Month! The character trait is Caring! It's very true she is an extremely caring little girl. You know, it's special for your child to have a good report card, to get good citizenship grades and to know they are smart. However, it makes me SO much more proud to know that I have a child that is a good citizen, a child that stands out as a caring individual. I just love that girl to pieces.

We are looking forward to a busy birthday weekend for Bowen, friends, family, good food, it will all be included!


Anonymous said...

The only thing better than being voted Citizen of the Month would be winning a million dollars. Maybe that's next for Laine! I'm very proud of her. Poor Bowen, I hope the gate works.

robin said...

Sweet Bowen! Is he ever going to get better...he won't know what to do with himself if he's healthy for an 'extended' period of time!

Yeah Laine!! you've got a great girl on your hands!