Monday, March 24, 2008

Bowen, meet your friends for life!

Tess Tickle


Ima Ball

Being the mother of a boy is quite the adventure. Last week I was changing Bowen's diaper and he was playing with himself just like he always does when a questioning look washed over his little face. And the conversation went a little like this:

Mommy, what's that? (poking at his scrotum)

Me: ----? (Ok brain, how do I answer this question? Do I go with the anatomically correct term? Hmmm.... DO I say balls? No, not balls that would be really confusing to a ball-loving two year old. Do I say nads, huevos, jewels, sac, scrot, WHAT?)

Bowen: Mommy, what's that? (still poking) Is it poop?

Me: No, it's not poop.

Bowen: Mommy, what's that?

Me: It's your testicles.

Bowen: Tecticle?

Me: Yes. Or you can call them balls.

So, what would you, or do you, call them in your family?


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... I didn't have a boy so I don't know. When Robin asked (about age 3) I told her it was her vagina. My mother was horrified when Robin asked her if she had a "bagina".

Leslie said...

Oh.My.Word. That has to be one of the funnier Williams stories. It sounds like you handled it well. I'll have to remember that for any future sons we may have. That's a classic.

robin said...

OMG! I think I would have screamed "Jonnnnaaaattttthhaaaannnnnnnnn!!!!!!"....and let him answer that question! I don't know what i would have said! Were still in the stage that it's her te-te!

Shauna said...

We still dont talk about it. The only thing that we talk about is the teetee monster and he doesnt really care for it. He wishes he could be like mommy.