Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What the heck just happened?

On to the random thoughts...

Laine wants 5 horses: a unicorn, a pony, a mommy, daddy and baby horse... and she wants to skip with them.

Bowen could have been exposed to Chicken Pox when he got his tubes, has he had his varicella vac. who knows?

Ikea rocks.

My favorite song right now is Grillz

I'm excited for the Olympics to start.

I just fished a Penny out of Bowen's mouth.

Babies must have a gross radar implanted, it directs them to put nasty stuff in the mouth.

Why is it harder to make friends as a stable adult than it was when you were awkward and silly in school?

I invited two people to church in the last 5 days and I've never done that before.

Oooh I have a haircut tomorrow, it's the little things.

I think I'm going to allow myself two diet cokes a day now if I need a pick me up in the afternoon.


Mere Ware said...

I love random thoughts...but I love Grillz even more!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know Grillz. I'm showing my age aren't I? Maybe everyone except Laine's parents can start telling Laine she will get ponies for her birthday. That would be fun!

momsuet said...

Mere, What are you doing writing at 5:12 am?????
Random thoughts...are there any thoughts other than random ones?

Shauna said...

Love the random thoughts - Mackenzie decided to imbed gum into her hair today while the Verizon guys were setting up our TV service - they got a kick out of me being problem solver mom with mayonnaise - Mere would die if she heard that!