Friday, February 10, 2006

Today I found my first GRAY HAIR


Yes, I've been eyeing it for a few days unable to make myself check to see if it was for real. It is. Knowing my gene pool I have a pretty good chance of turning gray early. If I do inherit my father and aunt's early gray, at least I know it will be an awesome silver instead of yellowish, blondish, gray that some people have. However, you will never see that silver color on me until I turn an acceptable silver color age, say 52. Or maybe...78.

On a side note, Bowen's ears look great, the Dr. put him on a different antibiotic because of his stopped up nose.


Shauna said...

I am all about color - I dont even think I will know when a gray hair comes in becuase I am consisten with my coloring!!! :0) I am glad that Bowens ears look good - we find out next week if Macy has to get them.

momsuet said...

What's gray hair???

momsuet said...

What's gray hair???

momsuet said...

Didn't mean to repeat myself!

Anonymous said...

You are saying my hair is gray? I thought it was blonde. Very very pale blonde.