Monday, April 03, 2006

Tits McGee and Bowen McButterpants reporting...

Well weaning has gone fairly well, the pain was the worst on Friday and Saturday. I pumped a little off each night so I could sleep then Sunday everything leveled off. Bowen is great with the bottle and when I didn't have to lug my pump to school today, I felt great.

OK, so Bowen has been waking up at night and he hasn't done that since he had his last ear infection. So I finally called the doctor today and took him in. I was concerned because he was spitting up frequently, I thought his reflux might be getting worse instead of better. Dr. Lewis was also concerned and asked lots of questions about his behavior, # of times he was spitting up, she looked at his ears and felt his tummy. Then she asked, how much formula is he eating? Ummmm, he has about 5 bottles a day with 6-8 ounces in each one. I could see that that was it. She was so nice and told me that his formula or breastmilk requirement was 24-26 ounces, maybe a little more because he's so tall. Blink. Blink. So, she told be to cut back on the formula, obviously. So he wasn't spitting up because of his reflux, it was because he had so much liquid in him it was eeking out his mouth! To my defense, he w's spitting up before I weaned him too. So now our plan is to add more solids and take away one bottle, yikes, at the rate I was going he really would have been a Bowen McButterpants.

We also had one giant leap for mankind at our house tonight! Bowen has had some issues with finger foods, basically before tonight he would eat cheerios, bananas, and crackers. Everything else would either come right back out or make him gag. Now we can add greenbeans to his repertoire, yipee, maybe I won't send him to kindergarten with a luchbox full of cheerios, bananas, and crackers!


Shauna said...

Yea for Bowen on the green beans! I never ever know exactly how much formula my kids are eating when we go in for their well babies - I feel like an aweful mom - Macy could be having 10 bottles a day for all I know! Anyhow - I am going to make the roast tomorrow - say a little prayer.

robin said...

Poor guy! I guess he was kind of like a bottled Diet Coke...everytime you shake 'em up a little, they spew!

Yeah for real food! You'd hate to have to tell his wife that he has such a limited diet!

Anonymous said...

Poor kid, just eats til he pukes. Do they EVER sleep all night? About the time they do and you get in to a routine of sleeping, they start coming in your room saying "Mom, do you want to talk?". Arrggghhhhhh.

Shauna said...

Oh - I forgot to mention that Kip came in last night while I was reading your blog and he said "who is Tits McGee??" I just told him to not worry about it and mind his own business! :0)

Mere Ware said...

time for a new post!!!!!!!!!

Shauna said...

Yes - I did say that I liked the name of this post - but not THIS post already!

momsuet said...

I'm with Mere and Shauna...time for another post!