Monday, April 24, 2006


Jonathan and I attended prom on Friday night and it was a lot of fun! My favorite public passtime is people watching and both did I have lots of that to do. It was great being around high school kids, they are funny and mostly care-free and they all had a fabulous time. Besides that our weekend was relaxed. Jonathan got his cast off today! He has to use crutches for another month but he can drive and ride bikes or swim for exercise. He was bummed about the crutches but his doctor said his tibia fracture wasn't healed enough to support his full weight. I know he's so relieved that he can rely on himself to go places instead of everyone else. He does however have a hotdog leg because his ankle is so swollen from not having the cast on it, it looks pretty funny. The countdown to Bowen being one has begun, I'm so excited for his party and just happy that he's a good and happy baby!


Shauna said...

Ya'll look so cute!

robin said...

What a cute picture! Koby and I get to go to prom next weekend! I'm so excited! Yeah for Jonathan being almost fully self sufficient! It's the pits when you can't do stuff for yourself!

momsuet said...

What two cuties! Love your dress and necklace! What excellent taste you have!

Anonymous said...

Heather, maybe Robin can borrow that dress for her prom!!

robin said...

Which cheak would I put it on!

Anonymous said...

heather you have just inspired me to have 2 kids so i can look as good as you, hottie!!:)