Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gosh I'm boring...

I am in a complete blog rut. I'm going to blame it on the time change, now that it's dark at 5:30 all I want to do is sit around or get in bed. It's terrible.

I took Bowen to get a haircut this afternoon, the stylist did a pretty good job in the damage control department.

We also went to Hobby Lobby to get some Christmas decorations. I know it's totally not time for that yet but if I didn't do it this week, I'm not sure when I would have gotten around to it.

We had to pay big bucks to get Myrtle (the car) working correctly last weekend. I HATE paying for car repairs, I'd rather not bother and just get a new car. I even checked on that possibility, it wasn't possible.

Blake is having a lower GI test run tomorrow at Cook's (which is the most wonderful place, all our experiences there have been stellar). I know it will be hard on Blake but maybe harder on her parents as she won't remember anything about it. So, while you are praying that Blake will be OK, also pray that Mere and Ryan will be OK too.


Anonymous said...

Poor baby Blake, they will all be in my prayers. What happened to Myrtle? Isn't she still under warranty?

Holly Grant said...

Myrtle the car. That is sooo "Thomesen" of you.

Leslie said...

Hey-I'm not ignoring your voicemail. I was at a baby shower when I got it, and I forgot all about it until I just looked at my voicemails again. (Not that many peopel call me.) I promise I'll call you back soon.