Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Test, Test, 1...2..3...Mic check, mic check

Ok, can everyone hear me? Good. Hold on let me step up on my soap box, alright I'm ready.

I just watched a segment on the Today show that made me laugh out loud, not because it was funny but because it was absurd. The segment was on cutting your budget in half during our hard economic times. I was interested because I'm always interested in money saving tips. The segment started and it was about a family in Texas who spends $660 a week. So the challenge was to cut that in half.

Here are the things they cut out: getting the car washed, Starbucks, pedicures and manicures, eating out, trips to the mall, having the house cleaned, lawn service.

They were successful, they cut the budget almost 80%, great for them. However, what about the people who never even did any of those things? What about people who couldn't afford groceries before they became more expensive? What about the families who can't afford gas to get to and home from work?

Or, what about middle income families? Who splurge to eat out once a week, who now have to budget gas, who already mow their own lawns, clean their own houses and make their own coffee? WHAT ABOUT THE NORMAL PEOPLE? Come on Today show, give a sister some help!

While I'm on my soap box, let me something else off my chest. This may seem out of left field but, whatever, it's on my mind. Let's discuss the Dixie Chicks. I read a blog the other day where the blogger had been to see Charlie Robison and she stated that he was married to one of the Dixie Chicks and made the comment that that wasn't something to be proud of. I'll have to say I was shocked. I mean wasn't that whole thing a long time ago? My love for the Dixie Chicks never wavered through the whole "George Bush sucks for taking us to war" stuff. I think they are talented artists, perhaps Natalie said too much, but we are a narrow-minded people if we hold that grudge for long. And aren't most of us somewhere in the back of our heads thinking that maybe it's time to bring our sons and daughters home? That maybe it's time for this war to be over? Time for George to hit the road...

I think I'm going to sing extra loud while I listen to my Dixie Chicks CD today.


Joni said...

I love a good soap box, and this was a great one:) I think you should be our next President!

The Duddington Family said...

I think you need to record yourself singing some Dixie Chicks and post it on the blog. :o) You are so funny and I really enjoy reading your blog. ~Jenn

Mere Ware said...

Good points all around. I love the Dixie Chicks even more now that they are controversial. I mean I was never a die-hard fan and I'm still not but come on, Texans need a new thing to be pissed off about.

We made a budget about two months ago and we are squeeking by and still putting some in savings. Our budget did not, however, account for child care next year. So where can we save?? Let's see... we could stop paying all of our mortgage. or maybe we could share a car. or we could stop eating. or stop using all of our utilities. hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Watch the documentary, "Shut Up and Sing." It's wonderful!

Tricia said...

Can I just say that I love I am now a blogger and can read your blog because you make me feel normal. I watched that same thing on the today show and thought the same thing.
And I have another random question, which I hope to post soon to get lots of advice. HELP...I am about to start potty training Sam and I have no idea how to do it!!!

suetmom said...

No inflammation that I can sense from this blog....only truth. The Today Show sometimes forgets about the "average Joe family". It certainly becomes obvious on this segment that they did!
Re: Dixie Chicks: People like to hold grudges. " Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people".
Rather scary as to where my mind falls in this group.

Bye bye George.

Tricia said...

Hey! I like your new swimming picture. Mr. Frowney face looks a little happier to be swimming!

courtney said...

Hi Heather! I found your blog in a completely random way--and then realized I knew you--from Abilene a million years ago. Pretty sure Tiffany Touchstone was our mutual friend.

I am enjoying reading your blog. Your kids are too cute!

BTW, I read your last post quickly and thought "wow, that sucks that Charlie Robinson said he wasn't proud to be married to a Dixie Chick". Ha! I guess I need to slow down my reading!

Holly Grant said...

Go on, sister. Say it!
Funny you posted this. I was just listening to the radio yesterday and they said they had a great tip for saving like $500.00 a month. Of course I interested and their tip was cutting out latte's! Lattes??? What average person is spending hundreds of dollars a month on latte's? Give me a money saving tip I can actually use, thank you.

Kristen said...

I am a friend of Shauna's and I think we would get along so well...I even saw Bruce Robison last weekend in Austin. :)