Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm back to explain...



Well my hair started falling out a couple of months ago, it freaked me out but I attributed to hormones etc. I went to the Doctor for my hip pain and told her about my hair, she agreed about the hormones but tested my thyroid levels just to be sure. Once I got my results back I researched hypothyroid and I had more symptoms than I thought. Fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, irritability. I just thought I was tired and irritated because I was a working mother of two. I couldn't explain the weight or hair. My body isn't producing enough thyroid hormone so my pituitary gland is producing too much hormone called TSH to tell my thyroid to get in gear. It basically causes your body to slow down. I'm taking medicine to level my thyroid hormone.


His name is Larry and one of Jonathan's students owns him. His job is to trim the trees, just like a llama might except he's way cooler.

Here are some pictures of Halloween, Larry, and the new kitty Pumpkin Batman. Laine named him, we think it's the best kitty name ever.


Shauna said...

That is the best cat name I have ever seen!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally you blogged! Great pictures, I can't wait to see Laine and Bowen. Larry is cool, the kitten is cooler.

momsuet said...

I hope your kitty doesn't follow the example of Mike or Pete.....