Sunday, May 03, 2009

A Birthday to Remember...

Happy Birthday Bowen! Hopefully, the magical 4 button has been pushed and 3, along with it's whining and crying, has been kicked out for good!

Well this weekend has been eventful to say the least, although not in the way you would hope a Birthday weekend would be eventful...

Let's see...Friday afternoon started out with Bowen having the runs, I mean I was pulling into a Wendy's on the way home from school for him to use the bathroom.

Then...he ran a 102 fever and I called the Doctor's office because you can't be too careful right now with everything that's going around (oink) and I didn't want to go around infecting the world if he indeed had something sinister.

More runs, more fever, told by Dr. to wait and see if he developed any other symptoms.

Saturday morning we added blood to his stool and I don't mean his chair. We ended up in the ER that afternoon over that because he was having stomach pain and we just had a really pitiful little boy...

We in the meantime obviously postponed our family party, found out he may have a bacterial infection, or maybe just the ever popular "virus".

Throughout all this he has continued to eat and drink, amazing. Another amazing fact is that we were in and out of Cook's in 2 count them TWO hours on a Saturday afternoon. I was expecting to be there a really long time. Thank the Lord for small blessings!

I knew he was on the mend this morning when he came into our room and exclaimed "I'm feeling better!" When all weekend all he could say is "I feel bad". Poor boy.

But wait! When we got to Mere and Ryan's house for his party we noticed his eye looked kind of red...hmmm. Now he has pink eye! Great! Can you say immuno suppressed?

We had a great party over at Mere and Ryan's! Ryan cooked some awesome burgers, we opened presents and ate cake and Bowen got to play with his presents till his heart's content! Thank goodness we hadn't planned a big party on Saturday that I would have had to cancel because Bowen got sick! Whew! I worked out great and I loved having a family party, it was perfect.

Here are some pictures of our 4 year old boy!


suetmom said...

And a grand time was had by all, in spite of all the additional complications! Flexibility.......the key to success! One birthday party down, one to go. Hope the next one is less eventful for Bowen!

linda said...

Bowen, no way he is 4, he just was one yesterday. Poor little guy, glad he is on the mend.

Leslie said...

First of all, how cute and grown up is he?!?! That cape is AWESOME! I'm sorry he was sick for his birthday though. That really stinks. Hopefully he feels better today. We're looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend!