Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Steps to getting a 5 year old to pee in a cup

1. Say "yay, _____ you get to tee tee in a cup, that's so cool"

2. Go to the bathroom.

3. Get 5 year old on the potty with her pants down really low.

4. Pull pants and underwear down even lower so you can stick the cup and your hand in the potty.

5. remember the nurse told you to wipe her with a wipe before peeing.

6. Wipe her and then get wipe stuck between her legs somehow.

7. Take cup out from between her legs to remove wipe.

8. Wipe falls out on it's own.

9. Decide to try putting the cup under her bottom from the back sounds better.

10. Nope

11. Squat down and reinsert cup under child's bottom hoping you have it positioned correctly.

12. Tell daughter not to pee on your hand.

13. Say " OK tee tee."

14. Wait 15 or 20 minutes. Try inserting various phrases like: Come on, tee tee. PLEASE tee tee. OK concentrate. Stop talking and tee tee. Stop singing and tee tee. Push on your tummy a little.

15. Walk out of bathroom.

16. Go find nurse and shrug.

17. Get 5 year old to drink copious amounts of Gatorade provided by nurse and have her jump up and down.

18. Go back to bathroom at child's request.

19. redo steps 3-5

20. Kid pees on your hand.

21 Get a little in the cup.

22. Done.


Mere Ware said...

That is incredible. I will be sure to make a copy of these steps for when I need to refer back to them. BTW, why was Lainester peeing in a cup?

robin said...



Anonymous said...

When I have to pee in a cup I pee on my own hand, how can you ask her not to pee on your hand???

Anonymous said...

That is great!!!!
I think that it would be much easier with a boy peeing in the cup than a gril.