Monday, September 20, 2010

Cool new blogs!

If you look to the right you see I have a new button! I found a blog that is written by a 5th grade teacher, one of the things I like best about his blog are his posts called "Moments with Joey" any teacher or adult for that matter will appreciate the humor, sweetness, goofiness that is a pre adolescent male. Please check this blog out! He is a great writer and photographer.

I have also added some new blogs to my blog roll, I can't begin to number the blogs I read but the ones a added I check up on again and again!

Here is what I am SUPER excited about! Some teachers t my school told me about e-mealz, this website plans your menu for you, gives you the recipes, makes your grocery list and even organizes the list for the store you shop in so it goes in order! How great is that!!! It also works the meal plan around the sales in the store for that week, holla! You really need to check it out. I'm starting it next week. I'm going to do the low fat Wal-Mart menu. Yahoo, no more cooking the same stuff over and over or looking on the Internet for new recipes to cook! It's all done for me and on a budget.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

We did our first e-mealz meal last night, and it was great! I did the 2 person Walmart plan. It's going to be so great. Even going to the store was much easier with their list. Loved it!