Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Random Thoughts

1. Laine's foot has been hurt since the second day of school. It is November, that is a long time.

2. Bowen put his ice pack from his lunch down the front of his pants the other day in the cafeteria. Then, I laughed when I told him not to do that again at school. I rock.

3. I am going back to school to get my Masters Degree, yikes!

4. I am trying an app for blogging on my phone, let's see how it works!


suetmom said...

You hadn't told us for sure, that you had decided for sure to go back to school....more information!

linda said...

1. Poor Laine
2. You rock but Bowen rocks more
3. Good for you going back to school
4. App appears to work well, I'm glad you are still blogging